

Support us!

Our campaign costs money. Printing leaflets, sending postcards to MPs, putting on events... We have raised money in the past by crowdfunding, donations of cash and celebrity merchandise which we sell off and selling our own merchandise. However for the purposes of our campaign we need a regular, predictable income in order to plan for the future. We ask all our supporters to please set up a standing order in our favour (if you can afford it - feed your family and pay your bills first). We suggest a sum of £5 per month and if you feel able to support us please contact us to let us know you are doing so. We can't really offer much by way of reward except that warm, fuzzy feeling you are doing something to help stop Brexit!

Our account details are:

Sort code 40-11-56

Account number 40063010

Separately, but just as importantly, Manchester For Europe is affiliated to the European Movement and we highly encourage our supporters to join this national pro-EU movement from £3 per month (Manchester for Europe and our sister group Stockport For Europe get a cut of membership subs paid to the European Movement from people in the Greater Manchester area so you are indirectly helping us as well). More details are on the European Movement website.